As a new ministry, with new concepts, approaches and ideas it is important to remember our roots, what we do and who we are. We are Mother Mary’s physical hands to do Her work here on earth. Not only through physical work, but also through our mind, body and spirit. Some things require our physical presence, other our mental and some our monetary presence.
We donate our time, energy and resources to Charity, Teaching, Spiritual Counseling and Life Coaching:
- Charity donations to various Native American tribal children
- Working with the homeless
- Working with the elderly
- Creation of a healing service
- Creation of a chapel
- Education through webinars and online classes
- Conducting ceremonies
- Educating, connecting, and communicating via Social Media
We Are Mary’s Helping Hands

This year (2024), we have decided to donate to:
Women’s Health Choices ($600) organization of chefs who donates meals to war torn places like Ukraine and around the world ($600)
Thank you for your generous contributions,
Bishop Conneta Johnson
Committee Chair

Click Here for PayPal Donation Page
Madonna Ministry Inc. have received our non-profit status designation 501(c)3 from the IRS, and we have received the exemption letter from State of California. That means that any of our ordained members who are working to raise funds for their projects can use the 501(c)3 to help them! If you are interested, you will need to contact the 501(c)3 Committee (Bishop June Cravenn – Chair, Bishop Dee Wallick, Bishop Mei Lan) and they will walk you through the process.
Pledging for Mary’s Helping Hands
Dear Ones,
We have come such a long way since our new ministry was transformed six years ago. We all know that the strides we made will be multiplied with the coming of the new year. Gratefully, our finances are on the plus side even with the donations for children’s backpacks, blankets, clean water, and local GoFundMe disasters, through “Mary’s Helping Hands”.
This year we are hoping to make a greater charitable impact in our local communities. We would like Mary’s Helping Hands to be a tribute to Mother Mary in our communities. As you know, in order to perform wedding ceremonies, people can be consecrated at the Universal Church. But The Madonna Ministry is so much more!
Having said that, we are asking for pledges this year so that we can help our neighbors in more ways than we were able last year.
Make a pledge now, to be paid in the next few months. Dig into your pockets and subconscious. Consult with your spiritual connection to Mother Mary and pledge what you can. This is all tax-deductible, and it assists our ministry in helping our local community in the name of the Madonna Ministry and Mary’s Helping Hands. Also, you can petition Mary’s Helping Hands committee if you have a request for a worthy cause.
Make your pledge today and consider making this your favorite charity for tithing to the community.
Blessings, abundance and love in 2023.
Kindest regards,
Bishop Joy