My Journey with Mother Mary
My first experience with Mother Mary began at age 8, when at a moment of fear and anxiety of being
possibly a victim of my father’s rage, I began to pray the rosary that I was taught in a catholic girl school
in Hong Kong. My family moved to Paris when I was 8 years old, and my parents were experiencing a
great deal of marital stress, and during that time, my father became increasingly angry and violent in his
temper. Daily beatings became a part of my life until the age of 16.
One evening, he again lost his temper and began to wave a knife… and I knew that he was on the verge
of losing his control, and my life was in danger. He sent me to go to a local bakery and buy a loaf of
baguette, and as I returned with the baguette under my arm, I began to pray the rosary that I was
taught in the Catholic school. As I prayed with the few words I remembered, I saw a blue light descend
and surround me, and I felt a presence of calm and peace. I walked up the 5 flights of stairs completely
cocooned and warm in that blue light! Then suddenly, there was a knock at the door, and a friend of my
father just happened to drop by, and distracted him from his rage. I was saved!
From that time on, I regularly called upon Mother Mary for her aid and protection. And always, Mother
Mary’s blue light would surround me, and protect me from harm. In instance after instance, I found
myself protected, shielded, and filled with her presence of peace, kindness, and Light.
I was born into a birth family rich with clairvoyants, psychics, teachers, ministers, healers, artists, writers
and creative people. My Chinese grandfather was converted by missionaries, and became an Anglican
minister who started the first Chinese Anglican church in Hong Kong. My maternal grandmother was a
devout Buddhist who supported many monasteries. So deep spirituality, faith, and devotion is in my
DNA. At the age of six, I began to have visions and saw spirits & demons. At 8 I began to have
precognitive dreams. At 15 began training in Chinese acupuncture with an aunt who was a mid- wife/
dentist/ acupuncturist. I started college at UCLA as a pre-med, and was guided to another path after a
year. I began practicing acupuncture with friends and clients soon after. I was introduced to laying on of
hands healing at a small Spiritualist church in North Hollywood in 1993 and became trained as a healer,
and started to learn many other healing modalities.
At the age of 38, I found myself leaving a 16 year marriage that had become stifling & suppressive, a
husband that barely tolerated my spiritual beliefs and faith; and ridiculed my spiritual practices including
healing & meditation. I had begun to channel in my mid 30’s, and that was a taboo subject. We agreed
to disagree, and I did not talk about my beliefs or my practices, and he ignored my growing success of
my channeling groups, my private healing practices, as well as my classes on healing.
At one of my channeling groups I had in Ojai, CA, a spiritual center in southern California, a woman came
who had a conversation with the White Brotherhood member that I was channeling, and she went on to
start a church in Edmond, WA. Strange things began to take place: every person that showed up to help
her start the church was named Mary, and her lovely little church had the most wonderful energy of
Mary! She named her church “Church of Mary’s Light”.
I went up to the church from LA to channel, and to provide support; and she suggested that I should be
ordained in her church, and I felt a shock, and knew that I needed to do that, even though all of my life I
had a fear & distaste of all things religious as my father hated his father’s faith and religion, but made
me go to Sunday school and church services just in case there was a God.
A Blessing from Mother Mary
A Blessing from Mother Mary
Dearest One,
From the first moment that your eyes opened into this lifetime, I have watched your every breath, every
step, and every moment that brought you happiness or pain. You are not forgotten. You are held in my
heart as are all of my children. Children are children, there is no distinction in my eyes – all souls are
pure and have no assignment of gender, religion, culture or practices. Know that you are loved beyond
Now I ask you to place your hand over your heart, and feel my Presence and my Love pour into your
heart, dissolving all grief and pain, loss and fear, anger and distrust, Post Traumatic Stress and regrets!
Let my Love begin to heal and restore the Origin of Intent of God within your mind, your body, your
health, your emotions, your past, and your memories. Let the cleansing Light of God dissolve and
remove all residues of sadness and anguish in you, restoring all that is Good and Right and Blessed
within you!
From this moment forward, you are Blessed! You are Blessed as you step into each sunrise of your Life
with clarity and Grace, to meet each moment with discovery, gentleness, Kindness and Gratitude
towards your Self and others, and accept all as Children of God who are on their own Journey, whatever
that might be. And you are Blessed as you retire at each sunset and know that you cherished, Loved and
And now, my Beloved Child:
My Peace is Upon you!
My Love enfolds you and holds you!
My Light surrounds you and reignites every cell and atom within your body, and your Being!
In Love and Peace,
Mother Mary
Simple Mother Mary Blessing
These are a few simple Blessing from Mother Mary, please read it in the silence of your heart and spirit:
In the Name of the Mother, I AM Blessed, Forgiven, and Loved!
May the Light of the Mother enfold me, hold me and fill me with Hope, Light, Love and Peace!
May the Peace of the Mother be with me, each day, each moment, and each breath!
May the Love of the Mother fill my heart and radiate throughout all spaces and places of my Journey!
May the Mother heal my wounds, sooth my pain, release me from suffering, and bring me Peace!
Mother Mary’s New Year Blessing
In the Name of the Mother, I enter your house with humility and open heart, to seek this Blessing for
this New Year:
May the Earth be placed inside Mother Mary’s House, and be cradled in her gentle arms… May all Life
be respected, protected and kept from the cruel and greedy,
May the Angels of Peace open their wings and hold the earth in the Light!
May all ravaged lands be healed and restored to the Garden that was meant to be,
May all waters of oceans, lakes and rivers be cleansed of toxins and pollutions, and restored to the life-
giving home and source for all who dwell and are nourished by the waters,
May all the hungry and homeless be fed and nourished, and restored to full rights and entitlements of
food and shelter, warmth and comfort,
May all children be loved and nurtured as the future of humanity, and all elders be honored and taken
care of as the Wisdom Keepers of humanity,
May all genders and practices be respected, honored as all are part of the family of Humanity,
May all Leaders be shown wisdom to see and speak the truth, act with integrity and wisdom, guide with
foresight and Right Action,
May my family and community be Blessed with Harmony, respect, Love and Peace,
May I learn from my personal journey, and gain wisdom, compassion, and love for others, as they are
mirrors of what is within me,
May I be a part of the solution, protectors and guardians of truth, Goodness and the Light,
May All prosper in health, in treasured memories, success in all endeavors that serves the Light and the
Guiding Principal of Love!
As it is asked, it shall be given!
And So It Is!