Statement Of Faith
We are a worldwide spiritual community, a Church without Walls. We believe that there is one Power, one Presence, one Life and one Intelligence that expresses Itself everywhere and in everything. We are disciples of Mother Mary. We are called to express our devotion with unconditional love, gratitude, humility and compassion.
Our service is through simple acts of kindness, prayer, meditation, devotion, faith, healing, stewardship and selfless service in the mystical union with the One encompassing all.
Mission Statement
The Madonna Ministry is a church without walls. We are emissaries of the Divine Mother and dedicated to service with Love, Hope, and Faith. We minister through education, stewardship, counseling, prayer, meditation, healing, acts of kindness and compassion.
The Madonna Ministry celebrates Service to all Life and our beloved planet.
Mystically inspired by Mother Mary, the new Madonna Ministry is a Church Without walls and is in service for healing, education, and peace, that all living beings, and the earth, may flourish. Our service is a requirement for membership in the Madonna Ministry. The services we provide include:
- Officiate religious services
- Spiritual teaching and guidance
- Spiritual ceremonies: including healing prayers, weddings, births, memorials, rites of passage and transitions, etc.
- Spiritual Counseling and meditation
- Spiritual coaching
- Stewardship of all living things through donations and charity service to animal/plant conservation, protection.
- Death and Dying – rites of passage and memorial services, chaplaincy
- Working with Children – education, guidance, and support through donation & charity
- Training and Ordination of new members
- Ordination of Ministers and Priests, and consecration of Bishops
- Conduct classes, training and certification programs
- Charity donations to various groups
We donate our time, energy and resources to: charity, teaching, spiritual counseling and life coaching:
- Charity donations to various Native American tribal children
- Working with the homeless
- Working with the elderly
- Creation of a healing service
- Creation of a chapel
- Education through webinars and online classes
- Conducting ceremonies
- Educate, connect, and communicate, via Social Media